Песни с альбома «Без Nazvания» 

    1. Sun is beautiful 
    2. Песня без наzvания 
    3. Looking for another girl 
    4. Bright 
    5. Let’s run 
    6. Little Lou-Lou 
    7. So smile 
    8. Momentary sigh 
    9. Крэйзи Sunday 
    10. Direction 
    11. Evergreen love 
    12. Крэйзи Sunday 2 
    13. Bonus Track - Romaшki 

    Sun Is Beautiful 

    Sun is beautiful (X4) 
    And I told you - that is true 
    Sky is beautiful (X4) 
    And I told you - that is true 
    When I talk about my feelings 
    When I talk about my dreams 
    Life is beautiful (X4) 
    And I told you - that is true 

    A Song Without Title (Без nazvания) 

    You feel like an angel 
    When the sun’s going down 
    You feel like roses 
    When you just look around 
    You feel like water 
    When you’re running down the streets 
    You feel like a rainbow 
    When you’re singing with me 
    You feel like an angel 
    When the sun’s going down 
    You feel like roses 
    When you just look around 
    You feel like water 
    When you’re running down the streets 
    You feel like a rainbow 
    When you’re singing with me 


    Steps like a ticking of clock 
    Gust from a cigarette smoke 
    Show me the Indian style 
    In the air 
    And you, whenever you find me 
    Flying the stars but you’re crying all night 
    On the side 

    Let’s Run 

    Your face is a moonbeam 
    And there I reside 
    In your brilliant warm smile 
    In your wondrous brown eyes 
    The springtime laughter 
    And your autumn breeze 
    Calls me somehow 
    And put me at ease 
    So you gotta laugh and 
    Take my hands 
    Just give me your smile 
    Take my hands 
    Let’s run 
    But there’s something within you 
    ‘Round your braslated wrist 
    It’s something intangible 
    Like a feel of the kiss 
    Your handwave the ringlet 
    Your mind gathers flowers 
    And grace me with beauty 
    Of a sweet Irish bower 
    So you gotta laugh and etc… 

    Little Lou Lou 

    Through the curtain of the rain, slow 
    Train goes away to nowhere 
    Through darkling woods of my land 
    Through words and rhymes in my head 
    Wagon windows are crying with raindrops 
    ‘Cause I’m leaving the town of my hopes 
    And now my pain 
    So faraway 
    Little Lou Lou in blue 
    Little Lou Lou 
    Through the painful cold of your eyes 
    To the sunny sky and new lies 

    So Smile 

    Thoughts about life and death 
    Finally got my mother earth 
    I know this film, so change the page 
    Beneath the sun and life and grave 
    We’re always together 
    So smile 
    Angel with white wings 
    Was bearing from the water and cold winds 
    One day he’ll come to take your soul 
    From the body 
    Show the beauty Earth from above 
    Thoughts about life and death 
    Finally got my mother earth 
    I know this film, so change the page 
    Beneath the sun and life and grave 
    We’re always together 
    So smile 

    Momentary Sigh 

    Snowflake glides through the wind in my mind 
    Looking for a wiser time 
    And the day breaks and the night fades away 
    And it seems like only yesterday 
    We awoke to the falling rain 
    We awoke to the falling rain 
    A sudden spark flashed through my mind 
    And like a fleeting image of a loved one 
    As she kissed me goodbye 
    I was taken from my pain 
    With a momentary sigh 
    In the sweeping arms of an old man willow 
    With his beard down to the ground 
    He spoke with his wisdom 
    Of the suffering to endure 
    Of the light of the chill 
    Before you find the cure 
    Repeat RF: 
    But the trance that I was under 
    Through the lightning and the rain 
    Was silently distilled through blood in my vein 
    Repeat RF: 
    So I’m pondering the snowflake as it dances before me 
    And I’m wondering if I’ll ever see my home again 

    Crazy Sunday 

    Crazy Sunday, 
    Crazy Sunday everyday (X2) 
    Oh, oh - Na na na na 
    Crazy people, 
    And happy people everywhere 
    Rubby Tuesday 
    Ruby Tuesday everyday (X2) 
    Oh, oh - Na na na na 


    Use dry spoon and replace lid firmly 
    Use dry spoon and replace lid firmly 
    Use one to one and half teaspoonful 
    For every cup 
    Use one to one and half teaspoonful 
    For every cup 
    Rf: Direction (direction) X4 
    Through furrows in my forehead 
    Though silver coins in pocket 
    Rf: Direction (direction) X3 
    (direction) Salvation 

    Crazy Sunday 

    Crazy Sunday, 
    Crazy Sunday everyday (X2) 
    Oh, oh - Na na na na 
    Crazy people, 
    And happy people everywhere 
    Rubby Tuesday 
    Ruby Tuesday everyday (X2) 
    Oh, oh - Na na na na 


    Яркой моей мечтою, озареньем моим, 
    Жарким трепетом - прелестью солнца, 
    В моей жизни свети 
    Полюбив тебя, я утратил душу свою 
    Каждый день встречи с тобой жду 
    Что за судьба выпала мне? 
    Как ты горда и жестока ко мне 
    Кровь моих слез обливает меня, 
    Сколько же боли ты мне принесла 
    Сердце сгорает в горячем огне 
    Слов не хватает, не веришь ты мне 
    Я так тебя люблю, каждый день ромашки 
    Собираю на лугу, где летают пташки 
    А также всякие там штучки, 
    И маленькие мальчики с удочками 



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Mother's Little Helpers.
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